[Jan-2025] Our paper "GIRP: Energy-Efficient QoS-Oriented Microservice Resource Provisioning via Multi-Objective Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2025. (CCF-A).
[Jan-2025] Our two papers were accepted by IEEE ICC 2025 (CCF-C).
[Jan-2025] Our paper "A Framework for Runtime Safety of Industrial Control Systems through Runtime Verification" was accepted by IEEE IOTJ (中科院SCI一区).
[Dec-2024] Our paper "Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning For Collaborative Network Optimization in Data Centers" was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025 (acceptance ratio 18.6%) (CCF-A).
[Oct-2024] Our paper "Multi-objective Deep Reinforcement Learning for Function Offloading in Serverless Edge Computing" was accepted by IEEE IEEE Transactions on Serverices Computing (CCF-A).
[Oct-2024] Our paper "Over-the-Air Computation Empowered Vertically Split Inference" was accepted by IEEE TWC (中科院SCI一区).
[Oct-2024] Our paper "Federated Multi-Objective Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Edge Task Offloading" was accepted by IEEE HPCC 2024 (CCF-C).
[Jul-2024] Our paper "Satellite Federated Fine-Tuning for Foundation Models: Architecture Design and System Optimization" was accepted by IEEE Globecom 2024 (CCF-C).
[May-2024] Our paper "A Lightweight Group-based SDN-driven Encryption Protocol for Smart Home IoT Devices" was accepted by Computer Networks (CCF-B).
[Apr-2024] I will serve as the Conference Chair for ACCC 2024, Session Chair for ICSEE 2024, and TPC member for AISS 2024. Welcome to submit your original papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[Jan-2024] Our paper "Towards Intelligent Adaptive Edge Caching using Deep Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF-A).
[Dec-2023] Our paper "GreedW: A Flexible and Efficient Decentralized Framework for Distributed Machine Learning" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (CCF-A).
[Dec-2023] Our paper "Situation-Dependent Causal Influence-Based Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by AAAI 2024 (CCF-A).
[Dec-2023] Our paper "Towards Learning-based Energy-Efficient Online Coordinated Virtual Network Embedding Framework" was accepted by Computer Networks (CCF-B).
[Oct-2023] Our paper "LWSA: A Learning-Based Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Energy-Efficient UAV Delivery System" was accepted by IEEE ICPADS 2023 (CCF-C).
[Oct-2023] Our paper "Decentralized Over-the-Air Federated Learning by Second-Order Optimization Method" was accepted by IEEE TWC (中科院SCI一区).
[Oct-2023] Our paper "CERT-DF: A Computing-Efficient and Robust Distributed Deep Forest Framework with Low Communication Overhead" was accepted by IEEE TPDS (CCF-A).
[Sep-2023] Our paper won the Best Paper Award at IEEE MeditCom 2023. Congratulations to Jiali Wang! (Official Announcement: link).
[Sep-2023] Our paper "Parameterized Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space for Collaborative Task Offloading at the Edge" was accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (中科院SCI一区).
[Sep-2023] Our paper "Green Federated Learning Over Cloud-RAN with Limited Fronthual Capacity and Quantized Neural Networks" was accepted by IEEE TWC (中科院SCI一区).
[Aug-2023] Our paper "Parameterized Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space for Energy Efficient Data Center Networks" was accepted by Computer Networks (CCF-B).
[Aug-2023] Our paper "Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks" was accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal (中科院SCI一区).
[Aug-2023] Our paper "JointPS: Joint Parameter Server Placement and Flow Scheduling for Machine Learning Clusters" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (CCF-A).
[Aug-2023] Our two papers "Federated Linear Bandit Learning via Over-the-air Computation" and "Towards Efficient Workflow Scheduling over Yarn Cluster using Deep Reinforcement Learning" were accepted by IEEE Globecom 2023 (CCF-C).
[Jul-2023] Our paper "Model-Contrastive Learning for Backdoor Elimination" was accepted by ACM MM (CCF-A).
[May-2023] We have launched a new Special Issue entitled "Software-Defined Cloud Computing: Latest Advances and Prospects" in Electronics (SCIE Journal, IF=2.690, CiteScore 3.7, JCR Q2, 中科院3区). Welcome to submit papers to the Special Issue. For more information on the issue, please visit the Special Issue website at this link.
[Apr-2023] Our paper "InitLight: Initial Model Generation for Traffic Signal Control using Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by IJCAI 2023 (acceptance ratio 15%) (CCF-A)!
[Apr-2023] Our paper "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Empowered Green Wireless Networks with User Admission Control" was accepted by IEEE TCOM (中科院二区,CCF-B).
[Apr-2023] I will serve as the Conference Chair for the conference The 4th Asia Conference on Computers and Communications (ACCC 2023), indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus. Welcome to submit your original papers to share your recent excellent research findings! The submission deadline is July 1, 2023.
[Mar-2023] Our paper "Hierarchical Relational Graph Learning for Autonomous Multi-Robot Cooperative Navigation in Dynamic Environments" was accepted by IEEE TCAD (CCF-A).
[Feb-2023] Our paper "A Survey of AI-Enabled Dynamic Manufacturing Scheduling: From Directed Heuristic to Autonomous Learning" was accepted by ACM Computing Surveys (中科院SCI一区)!
[Jan-2023] Our paper "A Comprehensive Survey of Few-shot Learning: Evolution, Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities" was accepted by ACM Computing Surveys (中科院SCI一区)!
[Jan-2023] Our paper "Towards Efficient Task Offloading at the Edge based on Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space" was accepted by IEEE ICC (CCF-C).
[Nov-2022] Our paper "FairLight: Fairness-Aware Autonomous Traffic Signal Control with Hierarchical Action Space" was accepted by IEEE TCAD (CCF-A).
[Oct-2022] I will serve as a program committee member of IEEE MetaCom 2023 (International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications). Paper Submission Due: Dec 30, 2022.
[Oct-2022] I was awarded AIR2022 Best Researcher Award.
[Sep-2022] Our paper "Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Resource Management in 6G in-X Subnetworks" was accepted by IEEE TWC (中科院一区,CCF-B)!
[Aug-2022] Our paper "MonitorLight: Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control using Mixed Pressure Monitoring" was accepted by ACM CIKM (CCF-B).
[Jul-2022] Our paper "Blocking Island Paradigm Enhanced Intelligent Coordinated Virtual Network Embedding Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by IEEE SECON (CCF-B).
[Jul-2022] Our paper "PervasiveFL: Pervasive Federated Learning for Heterogeneous IoT Systems" was accepted by CODES+ISSS (CCF B类) and will be directly published in IEEE TCAD (CCF-A).
[Jun-2022] Our paper "Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Second-Order Optimization" was accepted by IEEE TWC (中科院SCI一区, CCF-B)!
[Jun-2022] We have launched a new Special Issue entitled "Big Data and Cloud Computing: Innovations and Challenges." in Electronics (SCIE Journal, IF=2.397, CiteScore 3.7, JCR Q2, 中科院3区). Welcome to submit papers to the Special Issue. For more information on the issue, please visit the Special Issue website at this link. Papers may be submitted from now until 15 January 2023 as papers will be published on an ongoing basis.
[Jun-2022] Our paper "Rethinking Data Center Networks: Machine Learning Enables Network Intelligence" was accepted by JCIN (中国通信学会推荐A类期刊)!
[Apr-2022] Our paper "Eliminating Backdoor Triggers for Deep Neural Networks Using Attention Relation Graph Distillation" was accepted by IJCAI 2022 (acceptance ratio 15%) (CCF-A)!
[Apr-2022] Our paper "Towards Fast and Accurate Federated Learning with non-IID Data for Cloud-Based IoT Applications" was accepted by Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (SCI)!
[Apr-2022] Our paper "Towards an Energy-Efficient Data Center Network Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by Journal of Computer Networks (CCF-B)!
[Feb-2022] We uploaded a survey paper entitled "Machine Learning Empowered Intelligent Data Center Networking: A Survey" (download) to arXiv, that has been investigated for 1.5 years. Welcome to download and cite.
[Jan-2022] I will serve as TPC Member for the conference IEEE Globecom 2022 (CCF-C).
[Dec-2021] Our paper "Openflow-extended Queue Scheduling for Multi-tenants in Access Network" won the Best Paper Award of EAI ICECI2021!
[Dec-2021] Our paper "BLB-gcForest: A High-Performance Distributed Deep Forest with Adaptive sub-Forest Splitting" was accepted by IEEE TPDS (CCF-A)!
[Dec-2021] Our paper "IPDALight: Intensity- and Phase Duration-Aware Traffic Signal Control Based on Reinforcement Learning" was accepted by Journal of Systems Architecture (CCF-B)!
[Oct-2021] I will serve as a program committee member of ICICS 2022 (CCF-C), which be held in University of Kent, Canterbury (UK), in September 5-8, 2022. The paper submission deadline is March 21, 2022 (23:59 AOE). Welcome to submit your original papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[Oct-2021] I was elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
[Sep-2021] I will give an invited speech at ACCC 2021 at 16:20pm on 25-09-2021, with the title "Machine Learning Empowered Intelligent Data Center Networking". A live webcast is provided by the conference, and the Zoom Meeting ID is 84752981721. Stay tuned.
[Aug-2021] Our paper "ICE: Intelligent Caching at the Edge" was accepted by IEEE Globecom 2021.
[Jun-2021] Our book "Machine Learning Empowered Intelligent Data Center Networking: Evolution, Challenges, and Opportunities" was accepted and will be published by Springer.
[Jun-2021] Our paper "Multiuser Downlink Beamforming for URLLC in the Short Blocklength Regime" was accepted by IEEE/CIC ICCC 2021!
[May-2021] I will serve as a TPC Member for the conference IEEE Globecom SAC BD! Welcome to submit your papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[May-2021] I will serve as the Workshop Chair for the conference EAI ICECI 2021 - 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and IoT: Systems, Management and Security! Welcome to submit your papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[April-2021] Our paper "Multipath-aware TCP for Data Center Traffic Load-balancing" was accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2021 (CCF-B)!
[Mar-2021] I will give a speech as an invited speaker on the 2nd Asia Conference on Computers and Communications (ACCC 2021), which will be held in Singapore during September 24-27, 2021. Stay tuned.
[Mar-2021] I was nominated as the program committee member of ICICS 2021 (The 23rd International Conference on Information and Communications Security) (CCF-C), which will be held on Sep 17-19 2021 in Chongqing, China. The call for papers: https://www.icics.cn/Cfp.html. The deadline is May 11 2021. Welcome to submit your papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[Mar-2021] Our paper "Byzantine-Resilient Federated Machine Learning via Over-the-Air Computation" was accepted by IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond!
[Mar-2021] Our paper "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Federated Learning with Privacy Guarantee" was accepted by IEEE ICC 2021 Workshop on Edge Learning for 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond!
[Mar-2021] Our paper "SDVAN: Towards Software Defined Virtualized Access Network Supporting Network Slicing and Green Communication" was accepted by Journal of Computer Research and Development (CCF-A)!
[Mar-2021] Our paper "Block-Chain Enabled Fog Resource Access and Granting" was accepted by Intelligent and Converged Networks!
[Mar-2021] Our paper "A Fine-grained Multi-access Edge Computing Architecture for Cloud-network Integration" was accepted by Journal of Computer Research and Development (CCF-A)!
[Jan-2021] Our paper "UAV-Assisted Over-the-Air Computation" was accepted by IEEE ICC 2021 (CCF-C)!
[03-Sep-2020] I was elected as the TPC Chair for the The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning (ICADCML-2021), which will be held on 15-16 Jan 2021, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. The website: https://www.icadcml.in/index-2.html. Welcome to submit your papers to share your recent excellent research findings!
[01-Sep-2020] Welcome my first two full time master students Peng Yang and Bo Li to join the ICN RG!
[01-Jul-2020] The Intelligent Computing and Networking (ICN) Research Lab was established.
[01-Apr-2020] I joined the Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
[10-Feb-2020] I have ended a 3.5 years of valuable industrial experience as Senior Researcher with Huawei.
[30-Jue-2016] I left Bell Labs and joined Huawei.
[Aug-2015] I completed my Ph.D. stuides in HKUST, and joined Bell Labs as a Research Scientist.